4 research outputs found

    Automated detection and analysis of fluorescence changes evoked by molecular signalling

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    Fluorescent dyes and genetically encoded fluorescence indicators (GEFI) are common tools for visualizing concentration changes of specific ions and messenger molecules during intra- as well as intercellular communication. While fluorescent dyes have to be directly loaded into target cells and function only transiently, the expression of GEFIs can be controlled in a cell and time-specific fashion, even allowing long-term analysis in living organisms. Dye and GEFI based fluorescence fluctuations, recorded using advanced imaging technologies, are the foundation for the analysis of physiological molecular signaling. Analyzing the plethora of complex fluorescence signals is a laborious and time-consuming task. An automated analysis of fluorescent signals circumvents user bias and time constraints. However, it requires to overcome several challenges, including correct estimation of fluorescence fluctuations at basal concentrations of messenger molecules, detection and extraction of events themselves, proper segmentation of neighboring events as well as tracking of propagating events. Moreover, event detection algorithms need to be sensitive enough to accurately capture localized and low amplitude events exhibiting a limited spatial extent. This thesis presents three novel algorithms, PBasE, CoRoDe and KalEve, for the automated analysis of fluorescence events, developed to overcome the aforementioned challenges. The algorithms are integrated into a graphical application called MSparkles, specifically designed for the analysis of fluorescence signals, developed in MATLAB. The capabilities of the algorithms are demonstrated by analyzing astroglial Ca2+ events, recorded in anesthetized and awake mice, visualized using genetically encoded Ca2+ indicators (GECIs) GCaMP3 as well as GCaMP5. The results were compared to those obtained by other software packages. In addition, the analysis of neuronal Na+ events recorded in acute brain slices using SBFI-AM serve to indicate the putatively broad application range of the presented algorithms. Finally, due to increasing evidence of the pivotal role of astrocytes in neurodegenerative diseases such as epilepsy, a metric to assess the synchronous occurrence of fluorescence events is introduced. In a proof-of-principle analysis, this metric is used to correlate astroglial Ca2+ events with EEG measurementsFluoreszenzfarbstoffe und genetisch kodierte Fluoreszenzindikatoren (GEFI) sind gängige Werkzeuge zur Visualisierung von Konzentrationsänderungen bestimmter Ionen und Botenmoleküle der intra- sowie interzellulären Kommunikation. Während Fluoreszenzfarbstoffe direkt in die Zielzellen eingebracht werden müssen und nur über einen begrenzten Zeitraum funktionieren, kann die Expression von GEFIs zell- und zeitspezifisch gesteuert werden, was darüber hinaus Langzeitanalysen in lebenden Organismen ermöglicht. Farbstoff- und GEFI-basierte Fluoreszenzfluktuationen, die mit Hilfe moderner bildgebender Verfahren aufgezeichnet werden, bilden die Grundlage für die Analyse physiologischer molekularer Kommunikation. Die Analyse einer großen Zahl komplexer Fluoreszenzsignale ist jedoch eine schwierige und zeitaufwändige Aufgabe. Eine automatisierte Analyse ist dagegen weniger zeitaufwändig und unabhängig von der Voreingenommenheit des Anwenders. Allerdings müssen hierzu mehrere Herausforderungen bewältigt werden. Unter anderem die korrekte Schätzung von Fluoreszenzschwankungen bei Basalkonzentrationen von Botenmolekülen, die Detektion und Extraktion von Signalen selbst, die korrekte Segmentierung benachbarter Signale sowie die Verfolgung sich ausbreitender Signale. Darüber hinaus müssen die Algorithmen zur Signalerkennung empfindlich genug sein, um lokalisierte Signale mit geringer Amplitude sowie begrenzter räumlicher Ausdehnung genau zu erfassen. In dieser Arbeit werden drei neue Algorithmen, PBasE, CoRoDe und KalEve, für die automatische Extraktion und Analyse von Fluoreszenzsignalen vorgestellt, die entwickelt wurden, um die oben genannten Herausforderungen zu bewältigen. Die Algorithmen sind in eine grafische Anwendung namens MSparkles integriert, die speziell für die Analyse von Fluoreszenzsignalen entwickelt und in MATLAB implementiert wurde. Die Fähigkeiten der Algorithmen werden anhand der Analyse astroglialer Ca2+-Signale demonstriert, die in narkotisierten sowie wachen Mäusen aufgezeichnet und mit den genetisch kodierten Ca2+-Indikatoren (GECIs) GCaMP3 und GCaMP5 visualisiert wurden. Erlangte Ergebnisse werden anschließend mit denen anderer Softwarepakete verglichen. Darüber hinaus dient die Analyse neuronaler Na+-Signale, die in akuten Hirnschnitten mit SBFI-AM aufgezeichnet wurden, dazu, den breiten Anwendungsbereich der Algorithmen aufzuzeigen. Zu guter Letzt wird aufgrund der zunehmenden Indizien auf die zentrale Rolle von Astrozyten bei neurodegenerativen Erkrankungen wie Epilepsie eine Metrik zur Bewertung des synchronen Auftretens fluoreszenter Signale eingeführt. In einer Proof-of-Principle-Analyse wird diese Metrik verwendet, um astrogliale Ca2+-Signale mit EEG-Messungen zu korrelieren

    Astrocytes and Microglia Exhibit Cell-Specific Ca2+ Signaling Dynamics in the Murine Spinal Cord

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    The spinal cord is the main pathway connecting brain and peripheral nervous system. Its functionality relies on the orchestrated activity of both neurons and glial cells. To date, most advancement in understanding the spinal cord inner mechanisms has been made either by in vivo exposure of its dorsal surface through laminectomy or by acute ex vivo slice preparation, likely affecting spinal cord physiology in virtue of the necessary extensive manipulation of the spinal cord tissue. This is especially true of cells immediately responding to alterations of the surrounding environment, such as microglia and astrocytes, reacting within seconds or minutes and for up to several days after the original insult. Ca2+ signaling is considered one of the most immediate, versatile, and yet elusive cellular responses of glia. Here, we induced the cell-specific expression of the genetically encoded Ca2+ indicator GCaMP3 to evaluate spontaneous intracellular Ca2+ signaling in astrocytes and microglia. Ca2+ signals were then characterized in acute ex vivo (both gray and white matter) as well as in chronic in vivo (white matter) preparations using MSparkles, a MATLAB-based software for automatic detection and analysis of fluorescence events. As a result, we were able to segregate distinct astroglial and microglial Ca2+ signaling patterns along with method-specific Ca2+ signaling alterations, which must be taken into consideration in the reliable evaluation of any result obtained in physiological as well as pathological conditions. Our study revealed a high degree of Ca2+ signaling diversity in glial cells of the murine spinal cord, thus adding to the current knowledge of the astonishing glial heterogeneity and cell-specific Ca2+ dynamics in non-neuronal networks

    Novel algorithms for improved detection and analysis of fluorescent signal fluctuations

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    Fluorescent dyes and genetically encoded fuorescence indicators (GEFI) are common tools for visualizing concentration changes of specifc ions and messenger molecules during intra- as well as intercellular communication. Using advanced imaging technologies, fuorescence indicators are a prerequisite for the analysis of physiological molecular signaling. Automated detection and analysis of fuorescence signals require to overcome several challenges, including correct estimation of fuorescence fuctuations at basal concentrations of messenger molecules, detection, and extraction of events themselves as well as proper segmentation of neighboring events. Moreover, event detection algorithms need to be sensitive enough to accurately capture localized and low amplitude events exhibiting a limited spatial extent. Here, we present two algorithms (PBasE and CoRoDe) for accurate baseline estimation and automated detection and segmentation of fuorescence fuctuations

    Versatile Surface Electrodes for Combined Electrophysiology and Two-Photon Imaging of the Mouse Central Nervous System

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    Understanding and modulating CNS function in physiological as well as pathophysiological contexts remains a significant ambition in research and clinical applications. The investigation of the multifaceted CNS cell types including their interactions and contributions to neural function requires a combination of the state-ofthe-art in vivo electrophysiology and imaging techniques. We developed a novel type of liquid crystal polymer (LCP) surface micro-electrode manufactured in three customized designs with up to 16 channels for recording and stimulation of brain activity. All designs include spare central spaces for simultaneous 2P-imaging. Nanoporous platinumplated contact sites ensure a low impedance and high current transfer. The epidural implantation of the LCP micro-electrodes could be combined with standard cranial window surgery. The epidurally positioned electrodes did not only display long-term biocompatibility, but we also observed an additional stabilization of the underlying CNS tissue. We demonstrate the electrode’s versatility in combination with in vivo 2P-imaging by monitoring anesthesia-awake cycles of transgenic mice with GCaMP3 expression in neurons or astrocytes. Cortical stimulation and simultaneous 2P Ca2+ imaging in neurons or astrocytes highlighted the astrocytes’ integrative character in neuronal activity processing. Furthermore, we confirmed that spontaneous astroglial Ca2+ signals are dampened under anesthesia, while evoked signals in neurons and astrocytes showed stronger dependency on stimulation intensity rather than on various levels of anesthesia. Finally, we show that the electrodes provide recordings of the electrocorticogram (ECoG) with a high signal-to noise ratio and spatial signal differences which help to decipher brain activity states during experimental procedures. Summarizing, the novel LCP surface micro-electrode is a versatile, convenient, and reliable tool to investigate brain function in vivo